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This assessment is a requirement for graduation.

  • The Numeracy Assessment is a new provincial assessment and a graduation requirement for students on the 2018 Graduation Program
  • Students will write the assessment during their graduation years (Grades 10–12) at the most appropriate time for them. At Royal Bay, students can first attempt in Grade 10.
  • Unlike the retired Mathematics 10 Provincial Exams, the Numeracy Assessment is not tied to a specific math course. Rather, it evaluates a student’s numeracy skills developed over the course of their education.
  • Results will be reported using a four category proficiency scale and will appear on a student’s transcript as a number, representing one of the four categories (emerging-developing-proficient-extending) rather than a letter grade, pass or fail.
  • Students will have two opportunities to rewrite during their graduation years should they wish to increase their proficiency. Results will appear on Student Transcripts and their best outcome will be recorded on their final transcript.
  • Universities and Employers may be interested in a student’s assessment results, as evidence of their achievement in numeracy.
  • All Graduation Assessments and Provincial Exams are designed to be completed within two hours. Students are permitted up to 60 additional minutes, if required.


The assessment is based on mathematical concepts learned across multiple subjects from kindergarten to Grade 10, with an emphasis on K–9. Students will encounter questions prompting them to use the five numeracy processes:

click to view a video explanation of each

  1. Introduction
  2. Interpret
  3. Apply
  4. Solve
  5. Analyze
  6. Communicate


  1. Common component: 24 questions answered online by all students.
  2. Student-choice component: 2 long-response questions answered on paper. These questions stem out of the information and work the student will have completed in the common component. Students get to pick 2 of 4 possible questions, based on their interest, and take their analysis deeper.
  3. Self-reflection component: answered online (not marked)


Student Assessment Examples and Scoring Guide


Online Sample Numeracy Assessment


Important Points to Remember:

  • The assessment is required for graduation.
  • The assessment is not a final exam for any particular Math course.
  • The content of the assessment is not connected to any particular Math course.
  • The assessment is marked on a 4 point scale. emerging-developing-proficient-extending- There is no pass or fail.
  • The result will appear on your official school transcript and Universities may use the results as value added information when determining admission