Hello Parent, Guardian & Student,
We are pleased to offer a mobile studio to the students of Royal Bay Secondary, which will be located in the far end of the student parking lot.
A $60.00 deposit is required to book your grad photo time slot. When you order your GRAD pictures, this amount is fully deducted from your order. If, after seeing your proofs, you choose not to order photos, there is a link on our website to request a full refund of the $60.00 deposit paid. You have 90 days to order from your photo session, and with ordering online, your deposit is automatically applied.
If you would like a refund for your deposit, please submit a request online within 30 days of your session. Any requests submitted after 30 days of the grad session will not be eligible for refund.
If your child is just getting a picture for the yearbook and grad composite, there will be times available in January to do that. These sessions, in December, are for students who want a full session with more time allocated and multiple poses.
If there is no credit card available, (for any reason, often its a student doing the booking instead of the parent), simply reach out to us directly, (or via the school) with student full name and student number and we can create a code to bypass the requirement (usually 24-36 hour turnaround time required).
If there are some families where GRAD pictures are just too much, and there are some in every school, Artona provides each school a pre-determined quantity financial aid packages and will work with the administration on those families that apply. An application is available on line for assistance,https://www.blog.artona.com/financial-aid-application . This is done in confidence and can be filled out by the family, or often a school counsellor will submit on their behalf. Requests take about a week to process and the code is required to book the appointment, so planning in advance is required for this. This will get them a complimentary package or download, whichever is their preference.
Booking can be made at: https://artona.com/bookings
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are requesting that you access the online consent system and hopefully agree to the terms within. The District’s online system has several electronic consent forms for you to review:A generic Online Platform consent has been made available at http://consent.sd62.bc.ca You will find copies of the text of the consent information on the external resources, applications and platforms the District has approved.
- General Consent for Low Risk Field Trips and Activities (annual) – Rather than sending home a paper consent for each activity, this would cover all Low Risk school activities. High Risk activities require a parent consent each activity.
- Google Apps for Education (GAFE) – We are hoping that each of our students have a Google account as this is becoming more and more popular for teachers to use in their classrooms and communicate with home and students.
- Internet Access (annual) – Agree to the term of safe use of the internet at school.
- Media Consent (annual)– Allows us to use student names and pictures in our media publications.
- School Cash online – You can pay and access all your school fees online. No need to come into school to pay or write cheques anymore.
- My Blueprint – To increase the interaction between parents, students and teachers, we are bringing in a new program for teachers called MyBlueprint. The MyBlueprint platform is used for career education, digital portfolios and self-assessment core competencies from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
When online, you will have a more thorough explanation of what you are consenting to if you agree to consent.
We strongly urge you to review this system and hopefully consent to what makes sense for you and your family.
Thanks for your consideration.
RBSS Administration