Home / Departments / HUB / HUB PHE for Gr 9/10 Music Students


In order to promote and support a year long music program for Gr 9 and 10 students, Royal Bay Secondary has coupled Concert Band and Jazz Band with Physical Health & Education (PHE) 9/10 via our online HUB with a dedicated teacher.


Without this creative educational planning, students would not be able to experience the personal growth in musicianship that comes for a yearlong program.


Essentially, these yearlong programs look like:

Day 1: Concert or Jazz Band

Day 2: PHE Online with an in-class teacher


PHE Online looks like:

  • An activity requirement where students keep a monthly activity log;
  • 15 – 20 assignments; and
  • Completing one assignment and quiz per week.

Assignments are relevant to teens and part of the health component of all PHE classes.



Highly motivated students can complete both PHE 9 and PHE 10 in one school year.


Students in this position open an elective in their course load for the next school year.


Students who finish their PHE courses before the end of the year and do not wish to take another online course, can use the block as a study block.



If this study block is not managed maturely and effectively, students will be enrolled in another online course during this time.


Understandably, online learning is not preferred by all and if a student/family chose to unenroll from PHE 9/10 HUB, they would also unenroll from yearlong Music and enroll in PHE as a regular class for a semester.