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Hello Royal Bay Families!

My name is Mike Huck and I am the lucky principal to serve this school community. It is an honour and a privilege to be able to work with your learner every day. I am fortunate to see the growth and discovery that each one of our students go through during their time here at RBSS. In the short time since the school opened its doors in 2015, our school has developed its own unique identity and culture – it is a culture that continues to form and adapt to the students populating the building.
While we are proud of our beautiful new school, it is not the bricks and mortar that make a place special but rather, it’s the people that breathe life into the space that makes it a place where your student can follow their dreams. Our students and staff have made this school a truly amazing place to be. I am, along with our staff, the fortunate people who get to witness this daily.

Our staff, consisting of teachers, EA’s, the custodial team, the clerical team and the leadership team work hard to make the school a place that is inclusive and safe. Our goal is to create a school that honours and accepts all, while we travel on our own educational journey.

Recently our school went through a process to create a crest and motto. After a lot of hard work, our students, staff and larger community created “Together We Are More” as a motto. I can’t think of a better description of our school. There are so many people here who live that motto on a daily basis. Coaches, tutors, mentors and parent volunteers add depth to our school and support our students in reaching their goals.

I look forward to seeing the path that both the students and the school follow as we live our motto, “Together We Are More.”

Mike Huck


Royal Bay Secondary School
